Everyone can contribute! Learn DevOps and Cloud Native in our cafe ☕

Technology is moving fast in the DevOps and Cloud Native community.

Join the conversation and add your thoughts, tips, experiences, stories.

"Everyone Can Contribute" is inspired by GitLab's mission.



This is the #EveryoneCanContribute cafe handbook with insights, infrastructure documentation and more.


Meetup Group

Public cafe meetups are organised in our #EveryoneCanContribute cafe group on meetup.com. Join and attend the events to get access to the Zoom URL.

GitLab Groups



This website is built with Hugo and deployed with GitLab Pages. Blog posts and page updates happen as merge requests and are deployed with CI/CD pipelines.

everyonecancontribute.cafe is owned by dnsmichi, who also manages the DNS records and GitLab Pages challenge. everyonecancontribute.app} is available for future demos and experiments.

Blog posts

This is described in the project’s readme.

Cafe live stream

Michael hosts the cafe chats as part of Developer Evangelism projects, and live streams the session to GitLab Unfiltered on YouTube (see menu header).

Common tasks during the live streams:

  • Monitor the livestream for comments
  • Create a Twitter thread from learned insights
  • Write the blog post, add the livestream URL

The Google Calendar is managed by dnsmichi, and embedded on the Events page.

Cafe chats

Discord offers audio/video chats next to chat. Join and organize a quick get together.


Check the About for social accounts.


Slide Template

You can use Google Slides Theme Template for weekly workshop presentations, or your own presentations touching base with our #EveryoneCanContribute cafe.

Instructions: Open the slide template and navigate to File > Make a Copy > Entire Presentation.



Note: We have tried Twitter DM groups, Telegram groups and Gitter channels before. Discord is the next iteration.

Server: https://discord.gg/qgQWhD6wWV


The everyonecancontribute server has the following roles:

  • admin for group founders
  • everyone for everyone else




GitLab Notifications

The Discord server has configured webhooks for GitLab groups following the documentation:

GitLab Project Channel Enabled
everyonecancontribute/general #cafe-updates Setting
everyonecancontribute/everyonecancontribute.gitlab.io #cafe-updates Setting
GitLab Group Channel Enabled
everyonecancontribute/keptn #keptn -
everyonecancontribute/kubernetes #kubernetes -
everyonecancontribute/5-min-prod-app #5-min-prod-app Setting

Date published: February 23, 2021
