Everyone can contribute! Learn DevOps and Cloud Native in our cafe ☕
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10. Kaeffchen: From Ansible, Puppet and Zabbix to Log Processing with Loki, Vector and Elastic
- Agenda
- Guests: Bernhard Rausch, Claudio Künzler, Markus Koller, Niclas Mietz, Nico Meisenzahl, Michael Friedrich
- Next ☕ chat
: 2020-07-29 - Agenda
- Welcome Claudio Künzler and Markus Koller!
- Provisioning VMware Ubuntu 20.04 LTS images with Ansible
- Puppet, Ansible, Zabbix use cases - Bolt?
- Network Inventory Automation - Twitter thread
- Monitoring insights from OSMC 2019 - YT playlist
- Grafana Loki - event & metric format & clients (promtail, fluentd)
- Vector, fast log processing in Rust
- Logstash or Elastic ingest nodes
- Elastic Cloud Enterprise on Premise
- Elastic Operator on Kubernetes
- Elastic APM
Enjoy the session!
- GitLab 13.2 Release day, yay!
- Installing macOS Big Sur Beta on VMWare Fusion
- Auto-updating Kernels
- Ansible Rescue Blocks
- Go Draft Designs
- Cloudflare DNS - round robin solution with CoreDNS
- C++ Build Bottleneck detection
- :rocket: Systems Performance - new book
- Rate limiting in Go
- PromQL Cheatsheet
- :rainbow: Growing your blog - new book by Emma Bostian
Written by: Michael Friedrich