Everyone can contribute! Learn DevOps and Cloud Native in our cafe ☕
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14. Kaeffchen (KubeCon Special): Read, analyse, search, share - includes EC2, SSH, CI/CD
- Agenda
- Guests: Niclas Mietz, Nico Meisenzahl, Michael Friedrich, Mario Kleinsasser, Marcel Weinberg, Michael Aigner
- Next ☕ chat
: 2020-08-26 - Agenda - GitLab Commit Kaeffchen - we will watch the keynote together!
- How to read, analyse, search, and share experiences with a live forum post, also shared on Twitter
- Amazon EC2 SSH keys in GitLab CI/CD related to Kubernetes secrets: base64 encoding ftw :)
- A taste of Austria and Germany: Dragee Keksi for Nico
Enjoy the session!
- Nico’s blog post: Your Attackers Won’t Be Happy — How GitLab Can Help You Secure Your Cloud-Native Applications!
KubeCon Learnings
- JaegerTracing, OpenTelemetry and Grafana
- CNCF end user technology radar
- Falco - quick intro
- Prometheus Q&A
- OKD4 - RedHat’s Community OpenShift edition
- KubeCon - GitLab features
- Dockerhub rate limiting idea
- Everyone can contribute
A taste of Austria and Germany
- Michael’s list: https://gitlab.com/dnsmichi/atasteofaustria
- Coffee recommended by Nico: https://kolla-kaffee.de/produkt/k1/
- MyAcker: https://www.myacker.com/de/
- CI/CD Pipeline monitoring with Prometheus
- Thanos query frontend, blazingly fast.
- GitLab 13.3 on Aug 22 - Saturday, Draft release blog post
- Matrix builds
- Package registry and SAST security analyzers for everyone
- Coverage guided fuzz testing
- Squash Commits when merging required
- CI/CD linter improvements
- Michael’s Release Evangelism
- InfluxDB OSS 2.0 to GA
- Nomad 0.12.2: Accessibility for charts thread
- Kubernetes Monitoring with Prometheus
- Tracing Syscalls and security events with Tracee using eBPF
- Announcing New Collections on HashiCorp Learn
- QuestDB Helm chart: InfluxDB port patch
- Ansible 2.9.12 breaking changes
- CI rules for triggering a pipeline from the scheduler
- Hetzner service discovery for Prometheus
- Kali 2020.3 release
- Rest ethics, CNN article
Written by: Michael Friedrich