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1. Cafe: QuestDB: Introduction, Live Demo, AMA and Roadmap
- Agenda
- Guests: Vlad Ilyushchenko, Nicolas Hourcard, David G. Simmons, Niclas Mietz, Michael Friedrich, Michael Aigner, Nico Meisenzahl
- Next ☕ chat
- QuestDB introduction, a high-performance Time Series Database
- Live demo
- Charts, clustering, memory management, scaling, roadmap
Enjoy the session!
- Introduction into QuestDB: Column based, time partitioned, append only (immutable), repeatable read consistency, highly optimized
- Integrations
- InfluxDB line protocol v1 or v2 (are there changes)
- Prometheus support directly?
- Authentication support?
- Certificate based auth
- Development and Contributions
- Build from source, Java as dependency: https://github.com/questdb/questdb#building-from-source
- Docker dev containers after CI/CD is fully implemented
- Slack channels: https://github.com/questdb/questdb#support--contact
- Demo: http://try.questdb.io:9000/
- Grid and chart views
- Idea: Have PNG/PDF export
- Embed charts into GitLab alerts and incidents
- Code base: Java 11 primarily. C is only for IO.
- Query and hashmap lookups, insights in Agner Fog, vector class 2 and efficient hashmaps in C++
- Clustering with QuestDB
- Column first ingestion and inserting simultaneously mechanism to be built
- Roadmap for next year
- Replication (for OSS)
- Out of order. Currently the series needs to be inserted in order, this is good for historical metrics replay.
- Roadmap on GitHub
- Enterprise version
- First year focus on OSS, Enterprise is planned at ~18 months
- Pulsar as Open Core model.
- Uses QuestDB as library.
- Superlarge environments at scale.
- UDP based replication for nodes closer together.
Written by: Michael Friedrich