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3. Cafe: Learning Rust with Gitpod and GitLab Workshop
Following our last week’s Gitpod adventure, I decided to create a new light-weight workshop around Gitpod and GitLab. Once settled in with an example project in Java, we took course into learning Rust from scratch.
During the extended session - we wanted to fix the module import no matter the time - it became clear that Rust has many good things we know from Python (import modules and aliases), C++, Golang, and more.
We only touched the surface thus far with covering values, types, conditions, functions, modules - and some more string magic. There is a whole lot more to unpack, especially considered the GitLab CI/CD side in our next sessions!
Start your Gitpod journey by following the Workshop Slides :-)
Enjoy the session and let us know how your Rust journey with Gitpod goes! 🦊
- Agenda
- Guests: Niclas Mietz, Michael Friedrich, Michael Aigner
- Next ☕ chat
- Jina.ai