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22. Kaeffchen: HashiConf Boundary, Honeycomb, OpenTelemetry & JaegerTracing


We started with a wild speculation on the new Hashicorp product to be announced at HashiConf. CI/CD pipelines, monitoring or something around Vault and security and compliance management? Spoiler: In the evening, we learned about Boundary being the latter.

The discussion switched into metrics and tracing where David shared a Puppet blog post on collecting GCP info and system metrics for Honeycomb. He was so kind to live demo use cases for Honeycomb after reading more on OpenTelemetry.

We’ve also touched base with OpenTelemetry pipelines, inputs and exporters, whilst comparing it with JaegerTracing.


Enjoy the session!



Date published: October 14, 2020

Tags: Hashiconf, Honeycomb, Tracing, Opentelemetry