Everyone can contribute! Learn DevOps and Cloud Native in our cafe ☕

Technology is moving fast in the DevOps and Cloud Native community.

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"Everyone Can Contribute" is inspired by GitLab's mission.

20. Kaeffchen: GitLab with Gitpod

General Agenda Guests: Niclas Mietz, Michael Friedrich, Michael Aigner, David Schmitt Next ☕ chat #21: 2020-10-08 - Agenda Highlights We explored the new GitPod environment embedded into the GitLab repository view next to the Web IDE. Gitpod runs as a container workspace where you can: Access Theia which is Gitpod’s IDE. VS Code uses the same. Install extensions from the VS Code marketplace Use cmd+shift+p to acces the configuration prompt Access the shell to run CLI commands or inspect the environment. Read More…

Date published: September 30, 2020

1. Cafe: QuestDB: Introduction, Live Demo, AMA and Roadmap

General Agenda Guests: Vlad Ilyushchenko, Nicolas Hourcard, David G. Simmons, Niclas Mietz, Michael Friedrich, Michael Aigner, Nico Meisenzahl Next ☕ chat #2 Highlights QuestDB introduction, a high-performance Time Series Database Live demo Charts, clustering, memory management, scaling, roadmap Recording Enjoy the session! Insights Introduction into QuestDB: Column based, time partitioned, append only (immutable), repeatable read consistency, highly optimized Integrations InfluxDB line protocol v1 or v2 (are there changes) Prometheus support directly? Read More…

Date published: September 23, 2020

19. Kaeffchen: GitLab 13.4 and CI Rules Live Learning

General Agenda Guests: Niclas Mietz, Michael Friedrich, Michael Aigner, Claudio Künzler Next ☕ chat #19: 2020-09-30 - Agenda Highlights GitLab 13.4 with CI Secrets in Vault and Kubernetes Agent GitLab CI Rules allow_failure MR conditions MR IncludeIf for .gitconfig files Recording Enjoy the session! Bookmarks Releases GitLab 13.4 with CI Secrets in Vault and Kubernetes Agent Code coverage in MR diffs ARM64 support for Omnibus Contributor & author badge notes Ansible 2. Read More…

Date published: September 23, 2020

18. Kaeffchen: Container registries, Helm Charts, CI/CD efficiency, Update Policies

General Agenda Guests: Bernhard Rausch, Niclas Mietz, Michael Friedrich, Mario Kleinsasser Next ☕ chat #19: 2020-09-23 - Agenda Highlights Continued the Docker Hub rate limiting discussion from last week Current state for GitLab.com Mirror repositories with skopeo Events based on new Docker image Helm chart registry deprecation, use Helm Hub. GitLab Helm Charts CI Pipeline Efficiency Monitoring - not the tool, find the problem to solve and use cases. Small iterations. Read More…

Date published: September 16, 2020

17. Kaeffchen: Podcast statistics and Docker Hub rate-limiting

General Agenda Guests: Bernhard Rausch, Niclas Mietz, Michael Aigner, Mario Kleinsasser Next ☕ chat #17: 2020-09-16 - Agenda Highlights Discussion about the Docker Hub rate limiting Announcement Docker registry mirror manifest pull Check if new DockerHub pricing will affect CI Runners Dragonfly Registry Perkeep What will be the future? Some updates about our podcast from the Anchor.fm stats https://anchor.fm can be used by everyone for free to distribute a podcast Recording Enjoy the session! Read More…

Date published: September 9, 2020

16. Kaeffchen: Merge Request: To Squash or not to squash

General Agenda Guests: David Schmitt, Bernhard Rausch, Niclas Mietz, Michael Aigner, Nico Meisenzahl, Michael Friedrich, Mario Kleinsasser Next ☕ chat #17: 2020-09-09 - Agenda Highlights CI Pipeline Efficiency Docs: https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/merge_requests/40510 New squash and merge options Squash or not to squash? Lose the commit history for later debugging, or keep them intact. Generate changelog from Git Commits / MRs Scaling und feedback - give back to the community. Apple and ARM platform Azure & Terraform deployment problem Recording Enjoy the session! Read More…

Date published: September 2, 2020