Everyone can contribute! Learn DevOps and Cloud Native in our cafe ☕

Technology is moving fast in the DevOps and Cloud Native community.

Join the conversation and add your thoughts, tips, experiences, stories.

"Everyone Can Contribute" is inspired by GitLab's mission.

#everyonecancontribute Kaeffchen: Archive

Our website and blog came from the first iteration where we started with a Google doc, and then later moved to GitLab projects, issues and this website deployed with pages. This blog post summarizes everything which happened thus far and adds the archive for older Kaeffchens as well. The meeting notes are untouched and provide the raw impressions, typos included.

Everything in this blog post covers our German Kaeffchen. We made the decision to chat in German/Austrian and document the notes in English. Future iterations will introduce an English and maybe Spanish ☕ chat too.

You can follow the Kaeffchen YouTube Playlist and dive deeper below.

Blog posts

2020-06-10: 5. Kaeffchen


Will be streamed on our YouTube channel! Click Me!





  • Philipp: Working with WIP Status
    • Discussion about use cases
    • Trigger merge-request pipeline after removing WIP Status without a commit
      • I could share a snippet how to disable merge request pipelines when WIP is set
    • MichaelF: Renaming WIP to Draft is discussed: https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues/32692
  • MichaelA: Block merge request via specific label like the WIP: prefix in the MR title? see gitlab-org/gitlab#220822
  • MichaelF: Release Management Think Big #12 with deployment environments, location maps, heat maps, etc. ideas.


  • Bernhard: How to get to the metrics?
    • A short story about Apache httpd / Docker / Metricbeat & ElasticSearch …
  • Nico: Virtual Docker Rosenheim Meetup


2020-06-03: 4. Kaeffchen


  • Servus Bernhard!





  • Michael Aigner: possible discussion-points for Tracing:
    • Tracing on Enduser-Device (Desktop-App, Mobile-App, non-Browser)
    • Store data types other than the normal float, double, int’s like Images, files, etc.
    • Push vs Pull in Tracing
    • Ideas:
  • Bernhard Rausch: How to get to the metrics?
    • A short story about Apache httpd / Docker / Metricbeat & ElasticSearch …
    • Next week

2020-05-27: 3. Kaeffchen

3. Kaeffchen Blog


GitLab Insights


2020-05-20: 2. Kaeffchen

2. Kaeffchen Blog


  • Michael: Hello Markus and Mario! Please introduce yourselves
  • Michael: Streaming and Hosting
    • GitLab Unfiltered -> Stream target for live streams, currently disabled
    • Setup? Zoom? Streamyard? Stageenttv?
    • Michael: Zoom+YT = super easy
    • Michael: Streamyard has a 6 people limit, Stageenttv is more for single guests or a moderated show.
    • Markus: A livestreams is a good idea since people can peek in and maybe join the next time.
    • Michael: Zoom has a bug with YT streaming which is why this now disabled in the business client temporarily.
    • Jitsi (https://meet.jit.si/) tested and would work (Mario) 🆗
    • Zoom/OBS/YouTube tested and would work (Mario) 🆗
  • Michael: Keeping the tech uptodate - 2nd iteration:
    • Update the weekly agenda on findings to talk about, including categories
    • #everonecancontribute “newsletter” here - WDYT?
  • Mario: Addendum GitLab Runners in GCP cloud self-made (no Docker Machine)
    • Why? (maybe outdated)
    • How? (Preemtible, GitLab keepalived)
    • Benefits? (For us…) and open discussion (take away, ideas, …)
    • Troubleshooting
  • Michael: Hello Philipp!

GitLab Insights


2020-05-13: 1. Kaeffchen

1. Kaeffchen Blog

Date published: July 31, 2020

Tags: Gitlab, Devsecops, Archive, German