Everyone can contribute! Learn DevOps and Cloud Native in our cafe ☕

Technology is moving fast in the DevOps and Cloud Native community.

Join the conversation and add your thoughts, tips, experiences, stories.

"Everyone Can Contribute" is inspired by GitLab's mission.


Technology is moving fast, and often we want to try things but lack the time to. Best practices and learnings need discussion, or a live debugging session in a cosy coffee chat.

This idea formed the #EveryoneCanContribute cafe, 1 hour social chat with a topic or theme. From “What did you learn recently” to project showcases and learning (debugging) together. Often community members and thought leaders join and share insights and discuss fresh ideas in the group.

Events are organized in our meetup group and are shown in the event calendar. The meetups are hosted by Michael Friedrich, Senior Developer Evangelist at GitLab. Check our Handbook for more insights.

We already learned

Cloud Native

Kubernetes learning series:




Who we are

Core Team

Continuous attendance and contributed/hosted 1+ sessions to learn together.

Name Twitter LinkedIn Polywork GitLab
Michael Friedrich @dnsmichi Michael Friedrich dnsmichi dnsmichi
Nico Meisenzahl @nmeisenzahl Nico Meisenzahl - nico-meisenzahl
Niclas Mietz @solidnerd Niclas Mietz solidnerd solidnerd
Philip Welz @philip_welz Philip Welz pwelz phil.xx
Michael Aigner @tonka3000 Michael Aigner tonka3000 tonka3000
David Schmitt @dev_el_ops David Schmitt dev_el_ops DavidS
Max Rosin @ekeih - - ekeih


Name Twitter LinkedIn Polywork GitLab
Sven Patrick Meier @spse Sven Patrick Meier - SvenPatrick
Marcel Weinberg @winem_ Marcel Weinberg - winem
Feu Mourek @the_FeuFeu Feu Mourek - theFeu
Philipp Westphalen @Koala_Phil Philipp Westphalen - Phil404
Nicolai Buchwitz @nicolaibuchwitz Nicolai Buchwitz - nbuchwitz
Mario Kleinsasser @m4r10k Mario Kleinsasser - m4r10k
Bernhard Rausch @rauschbit Bernhard Rausch - rauschbit
Markus Fischbacher @rockaut - - rockaut
Carsten Köbke @mikeschova Carsten Köbke - Mikeschova
Moritz Tanzer @moritztanzer Moritz Tanzer - tanzerm
Tim Meusel @BastelsBlog - - -

Date published: December 7, 2020
